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Sport Structures were contracted to work with the SVA to develop their three year strategic plan for the development of the sport in Scotland.


An inclusive – consultative approach was taken to ensure that all those who were affected by the new strategy were part of the process. This involved two facilitative sessions with a steering group made up of a broad range of people in the sport. Solutions were reached through innovative and imaginative approaches with a high level of formal and informal consultation throughout the process.

Working alongside the CEO Sport Structures produced a four year plan with a one year business plan with full costs associated with its implementation. The four year document laid out the vision and goals for the sport.


Vision for Volleyball in Scotland

By the year 2008 Scottish Volleyball working in partnership will be a vibrant, popular, successful, sustainable, flourishing club- based sport.

Compete for Success



Goal 1: People – Players (at all levels), Coaches, Officials, Volunteers

Will provide equitable support to develop the players, coaches, officials and the volunteers involved in the sport.

Goal 2: Strong, Sustainable Clubs and Competitive structure

Through the development of clubs and a logical competition structure Volleyball will be a strong and sustainable sport.

Goal 3: Facilities

Volleyball will work with partners to ensure affordable access to suitable facilities.

Goal 4: Scottish Volleyball as a brand

Volleyball as a leading world team sport will have a higher profile within Scotland.

Goal 5: Organisational Structure

Volleyball in Scotland will be structured in a way to support and enhance the development of the sport..