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Sport Structures was commissioned to develop a Community Development strategy for Sporting Equals. In addition, during that time Sport Structures made a funding bid on Sporting Equals behalf to the Invest Save Budget. The project was aimed at improvement of the employment levels of ethnic minority groups in the sports sector and a greater integration of migrants and refugees into the communities they live in.


The requirements of the funding body were to firstly submit an outline proposal. The 203 projects that applied were reduced to 46 who were invited to submit a more detailed application. The process to complete this element required consultation with National Governing Bodies and the Local Government Association to ensure that the application was relevant and suitable to develop schemes of activity within local communities.


The final bid was accepted and a funding package of over £2 million was agreed over a three year period 2005-8. The project is managed within Sporting Equals through close relationships with the National Governing Bodies and Local Authorities.