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We were commissioned to deliver a project for England Lacrosse to develop their volunteer audit and strategy.


The project was divided into two strands:

  • Strand one: The development and analysis of a volunteer audit for long term measurement of volunteering in Lacrosse.
  • Stand two: The development of a strategy for the recruitment, retention and rewarding of volunteers in Lacrosse.

We delivered against an agreed method to employ a mix of direct mail, workshop and web-based opportunity. The audit covered: senior volunteers, club volunteers, coaches and officials.

Following the completion of the audit, we facilitated a volunteer group made up of professional development staff to shape the plan. Through two sessions and email communication the plan was completed and delivered on time to the ELA. From the key issues arising from the audit the strategy took the following form:

  • Vision of volunteering in Lacrosse
  • Key objectives to be addressed
  • Action plan for the next four years
  • Implementation plan
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Resource implications


Strand one: A detailed analysed report demonstrating the raw statistics, any trends, proximity issues and the key issues for Lacrosse volunteering as a basis for informing the development of the volunteer strategy.

Strand two: A strategy produced in a consistent easy read format with associated analysis and audit to support the implementation and strategic approach. The strategy led to England Lacrosse gaining further funding for the appointment of a volunteer coordinator.