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About Us

Consultancy Team

Jo Pilgrim
Email Address
Phone Number07866 617144
Linked In


Senior Consultancy Manager

Jo joins our consultancy team with a breadth of experience in the sport development sector. She has developed and delivered many people programmes, helping the sector professionals become more skilful in their roles to move practice forward. Jo is passionate about using physical activity to enhance the skills of all. Jo is a highly effective facilitator and resource writer who has worked for NGBs, Youth Sport Trust, Sport England and National Citizen service ensuring a deep understanding of the world of physical activity, physical education and sport.


Jobeth Hamilton
Email Address
Phone Number07917 388166
Linked In


Project Manger: People Development

Jobeth works predominately on workshop delivery and development, focus group facilitation, impact evaluation, strategy and governance and apprenticeships. She supports our clients and works with them closely to deliver a high-quality service that finds innovative solutions to sport development challenges.


Iman Mahmood
Email Address
Phone Number0121 455 8270
Linked In


Project Officer

Iman has a great deal of experience working in community sport with a particular focus on tackling inequalities and removing barriers to participation. She supports management and delivery of a range of projects including governance and strategy development, research and insight, workforce development and more. With an insight into the challenges faced by the most underrepresented communities as well as an understanding of the sport development sector, she provides a unique perspective to any project she works on.


Colin Geenes
Email Address
Phone Number07917 38819
Linked In


Senior Online and Technology Manager

Colin is responsible for our online learning and information technology provisions. He is experienced in developing online learning content that is engaging for learners but also inclusive for learners. Colin also supports our consultancy team with research and insight projects.


Abhishek Sudhakar
Email Address
Phone Number0121 455 8270
Linked In


Online & Data Officer

Abhishek supports the development of our online learning officer as well as working on projects that are driven by data including ones such as British Canoeing – Improving Accessibility & Disabled Participation, and Activity Alliance – Ecosystem Mapping. His experience in Project Management and background in Computer Science stands him in good stead with the ever-evolving needs of the sport development sector.


Lucy Wallbank
Email Address
Phone Number07917 388171
Linked In


Senior Marketing & Business Development Officer

Lucy works cross-company, leading all of our marketing activity. From designing eye-catching infographics to promoting our training opportunities to working behind the scenes on data and analytics, no two days are the same for Lucy.