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Sport Structures - Sport Education and Training

We are a sector leader in training educators and verifiers to support the delivery of education and training qualifications in sport.

The educator workforce play a crucial role in in developing the knowledge, skills and behaviours that learners in both paid and voluntary roles need to be able to carry out their role safely, effectively and enjoyably.

Enhance your Career

Becoming a tutor, assessor or verifier can support your career development by:

  • Further developing your existing skillset
  • Gaining new knowledge and skills
  • Demonstrating a commitment to ongoing CPD
  • Achieving industry-standard regulated qualifications
  • Creating new employment opportunities
  • Enabling you to support the development of your sport, organisation, or local community


Our Tutoring, Assessing and Quality Assurance Courses

We run courses throughout the year to support the development of tutors, assessors and verifiers. All courses are delivered via online virtual classroom to provide maximum flexibility for learners to fit courses into their schedules. We can also run a course specifically for an organisation to support the development of their workforce which can be one of our regulated courses or bespoke non-regulated training.

Once you have completed your virtual classroom sessions, you will then have assessment tasks to complete. Until you are fully certificated, you will receive periodic invitations to check-in sessions where you can speak to one of our experienced course tutors who can answer any questions related to the assessment tasks.

1st4sport Level 3 Award for Tutors and Assessors in Sport
1st4sport Level 3 Award for Tutors and Assessors in Sport


1st4sport Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally-Related Achievement
1st4sport Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally-Related Achievement


1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achieve
1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
1st4sport Level 3 Award in Education and Training
1st4sport Level 3 Award in Education and Training


1st4sport Level 3 Award in Workforce Mentoring
1st4sport Level 3 Award in Workforce Mentoring


1st4sport Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Process and Practice

Becoming a Tutor, Assessor or Verifier


Tutor, Assessor and Verifier Requirements:

  • A tutor, assessor or verifier qualification
  • Copies of coaching certificates
  • CPD logs to show ongoing professional development
  • A valid safeguarding certificate



If you wish to tutor or assess for any qualification, you will need to have experience of delivering in that area in order to start your journey to becoming a tutor and assessor in the same area. For example, if you would like to tutor and assess Multi-Skills but don’t currently deliver Multi-Skills sessions, you would need to go an gain experience of delivery in Multi-Skills and engage in CPD opportunities to further your knowledge before undertaking tutor or assessor training.

Verifiers are existing tutors and assessors with in-depth knowledge and experience of delivering qualifications. A knowledge of quality assurance processes is also advantageous ahead of booking onto a course.

For many sports, these roles are recruited for by National Governing Bodies (NGBs). If you are interested in tutoring, assessing or verifying for a particular sport, please check the process and requirements with your NGB to see how you could apply.

Other qualifications, such as Multi-Skills or PE and School Sport, can be tutored or assessed by those who have the relevant delivery experience. If you are looking to train yourself or someone else in your organisation to enable you to run courses to develop your workforce, take a look at our Delivery Partner support.

Which course is right for you?

Our quick guide will help you to determine the correct course for the role you wish to undertake:

Role to be Undertaken Recommended Course Who is the Course Aimed at?
Tutor and Assessor 1st4sport Level 3 Award for Tutors and Assessors in Sport Our most popular course allows learners to complete one course to become qualified as both a tutor and assessor.
Tutor only 1st4sport Level 3 Award in Education and Training This course is suitable if learners only intend to tutor, or, if they have already completed an assessor qualification.
Assessor only 1st4sport Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally-Related Achievement (AVRA)

1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA)
Both of these courses are aimed at learners who either only want to become an assessor, or, already have a tutoring qualification and would also like to become an assessor.
AVRA = simulated assessments only
CAVA = simulated and work-based assessments
Verifier 1st4sport Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Process and Practice Experienced assessors who wish to support in the verification of assessment practice as part of quality assurance processes.

Have a group of learners that you want to orgainse a tutoring or assessing course for?