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From the Tennis Court to a Career Path: How Volunteering Led Iman to Community Sport
Iman Mahmood:

From Tennis Court to Career Path: How Volunteering Led Iman to Community Sport

Volunteering has been incredibly important as the foundation that has helped me (Iman Mahmood) …

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Why I Love Volunteering with Teenagers (Yes, Really!)
Jo Pilgrim:

Why I Love Volunteering with Teenagers (Yes, Really!)

My volunteering… I like working with teenagers (I know, right!)… I write resources and deliver …

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The True Value of Volunteering in English Sports
Simon Kirkland:

The True Value of Volunteering in English Sports

'Valuing volunteers' is a much thrown-around phrase but is the value intrinsic to the person?

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Emily Purbrick Sets Remarkable Standard in the Community Sport and Health Officer Apprenticeship
Lucy Wallbank | Duncan Donelly:

Emily Purbrick Sets Remarkable Standard in the Community Sport and Health Officer Apprenticeship

Emily Purbrick, an apprentice at Peterborough United Foundation, has set an impressive standard…

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